Life is about experiences

Life is about experiences want to know about that life is about experiences so then read this article till the end to get complete information on life is about experiences

life is about experiences

I'm a self-made experimenter. I love to go somewhere or do something new. Most people think I'm weird, but I'm just wired differently. Whether traveling to a new country, trying out a new experience, or meeting new people, novel experiences are my joy.

After graduating from college, I moved 12 times, traveled to more than 40 countries, and tried all kinds of crazy sports. I've learned trapeze, went to Hang Gliding in Brazil, flyboarding in Vietnam, sky diving in Dubai, kickboxing training camp in Thailand, volunteered with monkeys in South Africa, rescued street dogs in Greece, Vincent, aboard a catamaran aboard a plane and helicopter, boarded a boat down the Amazon, and had many amazing experiences.

Each experience has expanded my mind and changed my life. Every year, when I set my annual New Year's goals, I always include the countries I want to visit this year and the experiences I want to get. Many people get too caught up in the things they like, but the memories really count in my opinion.

And, according to an Elite Daily article, people who spend money on experiences rather than things are happier. I have encountered thousands of people in my travels and work, and there is no doubt that "those who live" are happier.

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